Martin Ellingham, a London-based surgeon, relocates to the picturesque seaside village of Port Wenn, establishing himself as the area's general practitioner. He grew up in the area having been raised by his now widowed Aunt Joan Norton. His reasons for leaving London and the high-paid life of a consultant are not clear initially but related to a phobia he has recently developed...
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类型:恐怖 地区:印度
主演:Tatyana Ostap,Aleksandra Teryaeva,阿·叶·索科洛夫,特·亚·奥斯塔普,德·布·西蒙年科,斯·阿·格拉德涅娃,叶·格·马尔采娃,阿·阿·捷里亚耶娃,勒·普·科列斯尼科娃,勒·姆·卡扎科娃,伊·格·瑟索延科,奥·伊·博伊科,尤·弗·罗戈列夫,伊·姆·奥梅利科夫,弗叶·贡恰鲁克,德·伊·伊夫金,安娜·捷尼拉洛娃,尤·勒·叶戈罗夫,克·恩·库奇金,叶·弗·瓦尔茨